Monday 25 March 2013

Born To Die

A special treat and a fun project.

A while back Alastair Cook approached me with a question to do 'a felix'
(That's what we call making each a video for the same poem in a different language, to the same music. Something we did last year for the first time with 'Aan het water' by Bernard Dewulf for the Felix Poetry Festival)

The people behind the organisation of 'Reel Festival' had asked him to be involved making a video
for the poem 'Born To Die' by Iraqi poet Zaher Moussa.

More info
: the link takes you to a bunch of information and a diary of a journey they all made to Iraq.
A journey during which poet Ryan van Winkle filmed footage from places they visited.
Alastair and I agreed only to use images from that footage for the video's.

Alastair made a video for the Iraq version, read by the poet himself.
I got to make one for the English translation by Lauren Pyott, read by poet Jen Hadfield.

We both edited the Iraqi footage to this track made entirely with toy-instruments:

I'm very pleased with the way these twins came out and with how we used the footage.
Have a look and listen for yourself;

Words by Zaher Mousa
Voice by Jen Hadfield
Translated by Lauren Pyott
Camera: Ryan van Winkle
Concept, editing, treats & music: Swoon

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