Sunday 19 August 2012


Another new version of a project we did last year.

An exercise.
An experiment. Many thoughts. Words.
Cut-up technique.

Katrijn Clemer has kept a journal for months... her thoughts, words, fears and pains.
A diary. A quest.

Out of two hundred pages of honesty she selected 100 sentences. Important sentences, for her.
Purely on my gut feeling, from those 100 I picked out 60.
Those sentences were the base of 'ctrlC/ctrlV' using the Cut-up technique.
We deconstructed the 60 lines into loose words.
These words we placed placed in a rows. Five at a time.
With each selection, we tried to form a new sentence.

Result twenty 'new' lines.
With those lines we started all over again.

Result: 200 pages in 1 poem. Dada.

Zonder gemakkelijke woorden
verliest een duivel zijn identiteit.
Opgebruikt door primair schuldgevoel,
gedecontstrueerd door taal.
Verschillende ijskasten met niets eromheen.
Alles onvoorwaardelijk opbouwen.
Vage lust krijgt meer vorm.
De lijn van de dag speelt geen rol.
De onmacht geluid te stoppen eindigt in chaos.
Misnoegd. Teleurgesteld.
De beloofde engel heeft een reservehoofd vol pijn.
Gewoontes verdwijnen in cirkelende gedachten.
Denken stelt de tijd uit.
Dingen worden automatisch.
Keuzes lijken jarenlang te hebben.
Alle leven moet een beetje naar de overkant.
Zonder woede is een hoorspel niets.

Annmarie Sauer made a translation for the subtitles.

Without facile words
the devil looses his identity.
Used up by primary feelings of guilt,
deconstructed by language.

Several fridges surrounded by nothing.
Unconditional construction of everything.
Vague longing acquires more form.
The flow of the day is irrelevant.

The inability to stop the sound ends in chaos.
Discontent. Disappointed.
The promised angel has a reserve head full of pain.

Habits disappear in circling thoughts.
Thinking postpones time.
All things become automatic.
Choices last for years.

All life must cross over a little.
Without anger a soundtrack is nothing. 

A new version meant a new track;

Images came from footage I filmed over a year ago. I treated the images and added three or four layers. I edited in the same way we constructed the poem. Random cuts were made and I puzzled each new version without purpose. I repeated that proces 5 times.

words & voice: Katrijn Clemer
translation: Annmarie Sauer
Concept, camera, editing treats & music: Swoon

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