Tuesday 3 July 2012


A third collaboration with Peter Wullen.
I really liked working with him on Cioran and Remains of a man.
We just couldn't stop at two, could we?

So here's


Haar lichaam leek verdeeld
een coïtus reservatus
het trillen van haar ogen
tegen het melkglas van haar retina
het koele timbre van haar stem
afgemeten tikkend
van verlangen

taal is een huid
ik druk mijn sensualische sprache
tegen haar fetisjwimpers en
het puntje van haar neus
alsof ik woorden voel
in plaats van vingers

taal is een herem
vouw je handen in devotie
sabbataï zvi sabbataï zvi
leid me uit haar discours
honderd passen om haar meer
verban me naar haar beloofde


Powerful, this one, layered. There's a lot more then meets the eye.
Lust, desire, will power, but also language, Jewish relegion and conviction...
Again with a luscious reading (in Dutch) by Bart Stouten.

I recently made a track called 'Underneath the surface' that would be perfect (and not only because of the title)

Images then. As the photo's give away.
Eating a cherry.
I leave all the associations up to you.
Is it the woman? the way she eats this piece of fruit? Is it the determination of her eating?
In a strange way, together with the sound and reading, it worked well.

A few needed blips and cuts to get the tempo and flow right...
Peter provided me with a translation and there you go.

her body felt indecisive

a coitus reservatus
trembling eye
against the frosted glass of her cornea
the cool timbre of her voice
measured ticking
from desire

language is a skin
i press my sensual speech
against her fetish lashes and
the tip of her nose
as if i felt words
instead of fingers

language is a herem
join your hands in devotion
sabbataï zvi sabbataï zvi
lead me out of her discourse
a hundred paces around her lake
banish me to her promised


Words & translation: Peter Wullen
Voice: Bart Stouten
Concept, camera, editing & music: Swoon
Thanks: Arlekeno Anselmo and some cherries.

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